Plum Perfect has received the Versatile Blogger Award and it came from
Tina at Our Home in the Maples. Thank You Tina for your thoughtfulness and kindness! Run on over and give Tina a visit, I'm sure she would be delighted to have you!
Now it's time for the rules: 1. Thank the Blogger who nominated you. 2. Include a link to their site. 3. Include the award image in your post. 4. Give 7 random facts about yourself. 5. Nominate 15 other Bloggers for the award. 6. Include a link to the nominees site. 7. Contact the Bloggers you have nominated and let them know.
Ok, so here are 7 random facts about me:
1. I was born in Morehead, KY 2. I have 2 cats and I'm working on getting some photos of them on my page. 3. Darling Dear and I will have been married 13 years this coming December. 4. I am TERRIFIED of spiders. 5. I would love to go to Paris. 6. I can play the piano and organ. 7. I would love to have my own Thrift Store.
So there ya have it, 7 things about me that you may not have known.
Now.........on to the nominees: This is the hard part!! I have also been awarded several other blog awards and I have a very hard time passing the award along because....#1. Many bloggers do not want to participate and state this very firmly on their page. #2. When I pass it on to other bloggers many times they never respond or participate. SO! I am going to change the rules just a wee bit if I may. If you would like to receive the Versatile Blogger award please contact me at and I will be happy to pass it on to you. I don't want to offend anyone so perhaps this will be a better approach. |
I love getting to know you Aledia! Congrats on the award!